Middle School
Student Wellness and Support
Early adolescents are growing and changing every day, and that growth isn’t just physical. It is social and emotional, too.
At Waynflete, we hold our Middle School students close to better prepare them to fly.
New responsibilities. More independence. Big changes can evoke big emotions, and what some schools call “Middle School drama” is a natural reaction to the incredible transformations underway. Our faculty knows when students feel safe and supported and are given space to learn and talk about what is happening within their bodies and brains, they feel better—and can better focus on their learning.
5 social-emotional skills kids need to master in Middle School
The halls of middle schools are filled with students experiencing a period of intellectual, physical, and social-emotional change that is rivaled only during infancy. This isn’t “middle school drama.” It’s essential development! By helping students navigate these challenges, we keep them focused on learning. Read More
“One of the joys of leading our Middle School is the opportunity to cultivate curiosity, create an atmosphere of mutual care and respect, and guide moments of courage as students discover their own voices and sense of individual agency. Identity is the work of Middle School, and I am grateful to be a part of its emergence.”
Divya Muralidhara
Waynflete Middle School Director